JCW Hosting Logo
Webafrica Logo

We Have Joined Forces With Webafrica!

Which means you’re now part of the Webafrica family too! We know that moving can be stressful, which is why it is our mission to make the shift as easy as possible and to keep you informed throughout. Check out our easy-to-follow timeline below, so you always know what is about to happen next. And if you have any additional queries don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Webafrica Customer Zone

Manage existing services, order new services, log into your control panel and do much more via the Webafrica Customer Zone.



Have a question?

Send Webafrica a ticket and their support team will get back to you.


Email Us

Migration Timeline

JCW Hosting Joins Forces With Webafrica

JCW Hosting Joins Forces With Webafrica

We have some exciting news to share with you!

JCW Hosting's vision was always to provide our customers with the best personalised hosting experience, and to make that vision a reality moving forward, we are joining forces with a hosting company with a vision very close to our own – Webafrica.

Webafrica has been communicating with you via email, please check your inbox for further details. Alternatively email support@jcwhosting.co.za.

Webafrica looks forward to having you as part of the family.

Friday, 26 August 2016
JCW Hosting Joins Forces With Webafrica
announcement image

Introducing Webafrica

Webafrica has sent you a welcome email, and is really excited to have you on board.

Their team will make sure you get the same stellar service you've become accustomed to from JCW Hosting.

Please check your inbox for important information on:

  • What to expect
  • Billing changes
  • Your services
  • Customer support

If you’d like to know a little bit more about Webafrica, the Largest Independent ISP in South Africa, simply click here.

Monday, 29 August 2016
JCW Hosting Joins Forces With Webafrica

You Are Now Part Of The Webafrica Family

Congratulations you are now part of the Webafrica family. Webafrica has created your new customer accounts, and provided you with details to access their Customer Zone where you can manage existing and order new services.

Webafrica has also sent an important email communication on the following topics:

  • Your new Webafrica account and access details
  • Your services

Refer to the email that you received for more information or drop us an email at support@jcwhosting.co.za.

Saturday, 24 September 2016